The hostel serves as a home away from home, fostering an environment conducive to learning and personal growth. As residents, it is incumbent upon us to maintain decorum, respect, and uphold the institution's values. Adherence to the Hostel Student Code of Conduct ensures the creation of a safe, inclusive, and conducive living environment for all. By adhering to these principles, we actively contribute to nurturing a positive community characterized by mutual respect, cooperation, and personal integrity. This Code of Conduct delineates the expected behaviour and regulations for all students residing within the hostel premises.


  • Hostel accommodation is exclusively available to students enrolled in regular Physiotherapy course, such as BPT.
  • With permission from the competent authority and upon request from the students, hostel accommodation may be provided to students of different courses within the institute, subject to availability.
  • Once admitted, students are not permitted to leave the hostel premises. However, in
  • Hostel dues must be settled by the end of the course, and a hostel no-due certificate must be obtained from the hostel warden.


  • Upon admission to their respective courses, students will be allocated rooms by the hostel warden based on availability.
  • Each room in the institute hostel will be allotted to three students which is equipped with one cot, one bed, one pillow, one cupboard or almarah with keys, and an attached washroom.
  • However, additional items such as blankets, buckets, mugs, and linen must be brought by the individuals for their personal use during their stay.
  • Each hostel room is designed to accommodate three students. It is expected that resident students maintain decorum when visiting other rooms, ensuring they do not disrupt the
  • occupants.
  • Once rooms are allotted to students for an academic year, changes or exchanges will not be permitted under any circumstances.
  • Students are expected to adjust and cooperate with their room partners without raising complaints, fostering a harmonious living environment.
  • If the hostel administration discovers any resident occupying hostel accommodation without proper eligibility or permission from the warden, disciplinary action will be taken against
  • such unauthorized occupants.
  • Upon the allotment of hostel rooms, students are required to sign the hostel room register maintained by the security, confirming their occupancy.
  • Hostel rooms are allocated for the duration of the course only, and students are expected to vacate their rooms upon completion of their studies.
  • The room allocation register must be signed by hostel residents in the presence of the warden, ensuring transparency and accountability in the allocation process.
  • Room allotments are entirely at the discretion of the hostel warden, considering factors such as availability, suitability, and specific needs of the trainees.


  • All students residing in the hostel are required to maintain standard behaviour, exhibiting courtesy and fairness towards everyone both within and outside the campus premises. They must adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the hostel's code of conduct, promoting a respectful and harmonious living environment.
  • Hostel students are mandated to always carry their valid identity cards issued by the institute, ensuring easy identification and access to hostel facilities.
  • Upon allocation, each student is entrusted with the responsibility of their room. They are expected to uphold the upkeep and cleanliness of their assigned room, as well as contribute to the overall cleanliness and hygiene of the hostel environment.
  • It is imperative that hostel rooms, common areas, and the surroundings are maintained in a clean and hygienic condition at all times. Residents are required to actively participate in cleanliness drives and waste management initiatives organized by the hostel administration.
  • Hostel students bear full responsibility for any damage caused to hostel property within their assigned room during their occupancy. They are liable to cover the repair or replacement costs determined by the authority, or face appropriate fines as per the hostel guidelines.
  • Hostel students are advised to securely keep their room cupboard keys. Any damage to the padlock of the cupboard door will result in a penalty of Rs. 1,000/- being levied.
  • Hostel students must refrain from moving or damaging any furniture or fittings from their allocated positions within the hostel premises. Any such actions will result in penalty fines determined by the institution.
  • Hostel students are required to lock their room doors when leaving. Personal locks or security devices are strictly prohibited. Lost room keys leading to lock damage will incur a penalty of Rs. 500/- per instance.
  • The usage of personal air coolers, refrigerators, or similar appliances within the room is strictly prohibited. Possession of such items will result in a penalty of Rs. 2,500/- along with a warning memo, and the appliances may be confiscated.
  • Activities such as playing loud music, sticking posters, stickers, fairy lights, or any materials on the walls of the room, mess, or any area within or outside the hostel premises are prohibited. Violations will result in a penalty of Rs. 1,000/- on each occasion.
  • Birthday celebrations by resident students are permitted only with prior approval from the hostel warden or in-charge only, until 9:30 PM. Any violations will result in a penalty of Rs. 2,000/- and a warning memo.
  • Ragging of students is strictly prohibited within the hostel premises, and offenders will face severe disciplinary action.
  • The following acts are strictly prohibited within the hostel premises:
    a. Smoking
    b. Consumption of alcoholic drinks/drugs/smoking
    c. Gambling
    d. Intimidation or violence
    e. Wilful damage to hostel property
    f. Entering the hostel in a toxic state
    g. Shouting or using abusive language
    h. Employing unauthorized personnel for personal work

  • Cooking/water heater/induction in hostel rooms is strictly prohibited. Violations will result in a penalty of Rs. 1,000/- and a warning memo.
  • Students leaving the hostel during the semester must submit a written request to the hostel warden, endorsed by the course coordinator, at least a week before the scheduled departure.
  • All hostel students must be in their rooms by 10:00 PM. Any resident found wandering after this time will face disciplinary action.
  • Overnight guests are not permitted in trainee rooms without prior permission from the warden or in-charge.
  • Students requiring guest rooms for visitors must obtain written permission from the warden or in-charge at least one week in advance.
  • Hostel students are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal belongings within the hostel premises.
  • Any breach of conduct rules or acts of indiscipline will result in an inquiry conducted by the competent authority, initiated by the warden or in-charge.
  • Disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by the institute will be taken against any trainee found guilty of misconduct.
  • Students creating disturbances outside the campus are solely responsible for their actions and must be accountable to the police, the city authorities, and the institution.
  • Any illness should be promptly reported to the concerned hostel warden or in-charge, or to the institute's medical staff.
  • Misconduct towards employees or service providers of the institution will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary proceedings.
  • Residents must ensure to switch off electrical appliances when not in use. Usage of prohibited electric items will result in a penalty of Rs. 2,000/- and a warning memo, with the possibility of confiscation.
  • Residents intending to stay out of the hostel must inform the warden or in-charge in advance and seek permission.
  • Students leaving the campus for any reason must record their departure and return in the in-out register available with the security.
  • Hostel authorities reserve the right to inspect any room at any time. Management may discontinue hostel accommodation for students found guilty of misconduct or rule violations.
  • The hostel authorities will not be liable for any loss of money, jewellery, or personal belongings of students. Students are advised against keeping valuables in the hostel.
  • Damage to hostel infrastructure will incur equal charges to all resident students of the respective floor, covering repair or replacement costs.
  • Respect for gender diversity and sensitivity towards fellow students' hostel privacy and comfort are paramount.
  • Interaction between male and female hostel students should be conducted with utmost respect and consideration for boundaries.
  • All the hostel students, regardless of gender, are expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy at all times.
  • Discrimination, harassment, or any form of disrespectful behaviour towards fellow residents will not be tolerated.


  • All course students are required to submit an advance hostel security deposit of Rs. 2000/- (two thousand rupees) to the institution. This deposit will be included in the total hostel fees, calculated at Rs. 20/- per day.
  • Any penalties incurred will be deducted from the advance deposit. At the conclusion of the course, students are responsible for settling the total accommodation fees.
  • Proper receipts for fee payments will be issued to students by the hostel.
  • Students are urged to promptly pay hostel fees and mess charges as determined.
  • Only cash payments will be accepted by the warden.