Assignment Discipline Duration/Hours

Discipline Assignment Duration/Hours
Musculo-Skeletal Physiotherapy OPD or Indoor-Orthopaedics + Burns + Surgical amputations (Optional: Hand rehab or Sports injury or wound and skin care - 2 weeks) 6 Weeks/240 Hours
Neuro-Sciences Physiotherapy OPD or Indoor-Neurology + Neurosurgery (Optional: Paediatrics or EMG - 2 weeks) 6 Weeks/240 Hours
Cardio-Respiratory Physiotherapy OPD or Indoor-Medical + Surgical 4 Weeks/160 Hours
Intensive Care 4 Weeks/160 Hours
Community Physiotherapy Women Health + Geriatric Health at Primary Health Centre or Community (Optional: Industrial Health or Fitness Clinic - 2 weeks)
This includes minimum 78 hours of project study on evidence-based investigation measures or Clinical trials/Prospective case studies having a sample size of maximum 10 subjects.
Total 26 Weeks/1040 Hours

Evaluation of Internship

Attitude: The student shall put up not less than 90% attendance during EACH ASSIGNMENT. The student’s performance shall be graded by the respective clinical section in charge at the end of each assignment. The candidate shall repeat the particular assignment if the performance is found unsatisfactory (Grade-C or D).

Project Study: The project study submitted by the candidate will be duly verified, and a viva shall be conducted on the same at the end of the internship, and a grade shall be granted. This will be done only at the college level. An internship completion certificate shall be issued to the candidate ONLY after SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE in the PROJECT VIVA as well as in attitude during EACH CLINICAL ASSIGNMENT.